(See Forms – Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application and Cautionary Statement to Owners Obtaining Building Permits).
Any new homes are required to have an address marker installed in front of their residence. The cost for the address marker is $75.00 which includes the sign, post and installation. The purpose of the address markers is for the emergency responders to better locate addresses in the Township.
A check should be made out to the Town of Manitowoc.
Deliver the following documents with the appropriate fees to Geraldine Gilbert, 1805 Lissa Lane, Manitowoc. WI 54220
Three (3) sets of legible, drawn-to-scale building plans
Completed Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application
Energy calculations
Plot plan showing the location of the dwelling and any other buildings, etc. on the site with respect to property lines
Erosion control plan
A copy of the County sanitary permit
A copy of the County Zoning permit
If the above documentation is Code compliant, a Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit will be issued.
A building permit is required before any on-site construction, including excavation for a structure may begin
Inspections include:
Footings before pouring
Foundation before backfilling
Rough-in (general construction, plumbing, electrical and heating)
Occupancy inspection within 5 business days after notification from permit applicant
One additional inspection included, as needed.
Each of these inspections will be done with 2 business days after notification from permit applicant.
Application for Absentee Ballot EL-121
Voter Registration Application EL-131
When sending in your voter registration application, send a copy of your driver's license.
Building and Remodeling Permit Application
Also send a copy from Planning and Zoning when changing the structure of your home.
Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application
This permit is for brand new homes
Application for permit to perform work within Town Road Right-Of-Way
Late Lottery & Gaming Credit Claim Form
Application for License to Serve Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors
Original Alcohol Beverage License Application
Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application
Objection Form For Real Property Assessment
Complete form in INK ONLY and PRINT. Return to the town clerk: Geraldine Gilbert, 1805 Lissa Lane, Manitowoc, WI 54220